I dont know what the hell am i typing.. so everything after this will be rubbish.. all rubbish...
Wow, a first post since ever.. but the most important thing is i still remember the password to this blog... well i dont know why i still hasnt(havent?) change it so yeah.. No ones gona read this so why not post something hew hew hew...
Im just slightly confused on how in fucked up situation i am.. i dont know.. i really dont know... man this music is shit.. stupid ipod.. should i privatise this blog? should i? huh? huh? it has lots of awkward contents in it.. the past was great but it didnt last long.. oh life, y u so cruel.. i mean the present is still great but its not the same.. i dont know i dont know..
Maybe i should start writing a song.. but no one would listen to how crappy my voice is.. HAHAHA you suck! just go die... you are not needed by anyone.. fullstop.. man, typing crap is fun.. i miss typing fluently.. Dissertation, y u no flow like this? should i change the url of this blog? no ones gona check it anyways...
chow chiaw chiew chingchonglinglongthingthong...
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Monday, September 28, 2009
First exeat weekend
I had core math lesson for period 9 and I was in a hurry bcos Ms Scott won't stop talking about modulus function. Class overshoot a lil bit by 5 minutes i think. I ran straight to my room, stripped my self, put on jeans, tank top and SUPER DRY hoodie Xp Owh dont forget the red levi's shoes and socks. My taxi was at 4.45 and yes, it came exactly at 4.45. I left Oswestry and went straight to Shrewsbury hoping that no traffic jam in the way. Felt nausea cos maybe no air movement in the car (the aircond was off cos its cold). At least i survived and we arrived early than expected. Went straight to the ticket booth to buy the ticket before boarding. What scares me during that time was a poster with an ugly face on it satying WANTED FOR RAPE. hmmm sure...
I board the non direct train cos I was supposed to fetch izzy from coventry. But she was takut2an kali and she board the wrong virgin train. She did arrive safely at London Euston and earlier than me. She sat infron of paper chase near WHSmitch. I saw her from far away and since i was very iski i cancelled my plan to play a prank on her. My intention was to annoy her of coZ! Went straight to her n HUGGED her. Dayum, jeles rabi emran. From there, bermulalah London experience of Izzy Isa with me ;)
We went underground (eseh, kinky bunyinya) kan naik the tube to go to paddington and meet aklimah. I talked to much with izzyisa and didnt realised that with 100% confidence kami naik the wrong tube. We were supposed to board the Hammersith and city line tapi ternaik metropolitan. Haha no wonder i feel weird cos warnanya purple instead of yellow or pink. At least sampai jua d paddington. Masa d Brunei Hall main entrance, i saw the warden and warn si klimah n izzyisa. Panicked! Aku control and walk in dengan cool2nya then beranti dpn reception and greet the warden "Selamat Hari Raya Cikgu *senyum*" and ia balas "bah selamat hari raya" WOHOO!! haha inda PMS pastu si aklimah setaie jua ikut2an haha Bad news, nada bilik *&$^%#**(%%^# so surau lah bilik kami, bini2 ambil the large one sal drg basar2 sebagang *exhibit A : Rabiemran* haha and guys bilik kami like 1/4 of their room and kami semua muat!
Mr Isa texted izzy to not to go out once ia d Bhall but then bahapa? Ia ke London with a purpose! To experience it sama kami. So aku suggest her to walk from Bhall to Tesco, Baskin Robbins , Chicken Cottage and Paddington Station. Atu baru trial tu for the next day kan jalan2 shopping d oxford street. Tahan jua ia bejalan (Y).. And we wished aklimah Happy birthday at exactly 12am of 269, nyanyi lagu n bagi ia "cake". The weirdest 18th bday for akilmah i suppose? That nite masa the guys kan tidur, bini2 bising n sibuk begambar2 *slumber party much?!*. Gila, stress semua lelaki! So kami guys main game. We farted and belawan! Haha I farted the best sal baunya sungguh aroma therapy HAHAHA and aku kana sandwhich ulih farid n cck. Subuhnya I heard si muizz berazan subuh n aku inda sadar. Rabi n izzy tot atu antu HAHAHA..
the morning of 269 as usual bini2nya bee ae, BA, tee ae aech TAH.. BA-TAH! pukul 12 ish barutah bejalan but before that asa sesi bitching with rabiemran on the phone. Haha manis teamwork of aku, izzyisa n aklimah. Yeah, ditch clc!
Summary for the whole day of 269 : brunch at wok in a box (Y), shopping n window shopping at hmv, H&M, schuh, topshop*izzyisa bali kasut*, topman. Minum d Starbucks. Sambung shooping/window shopping d Ferrari, Abercrombie and Fitch and MANGO *aklimah bali trench coat merah advise dari stylish sabriali haha*. D Abercrombie and Fitch dua BINI2 went wild and modelnya ampus menari HAHAHA Masa otw ke bas ada bini2 sama bajunya sama si rabiemran and rabiemran use aku tuk betapuk. Oh come on!! Badan diri atu sebagang! LOL
That nite semua urg belawa2 including aku. Paginya lawa pulang udah, tapi mlmnya lawa-er. Dinner at oscars. Best mexican steak (Y). After than went straight to Queensway jumpa the rest and then balik bhall. Ada lg cina bedrama sumtin sal deprived or whatever. Don't care~
Owh i slept in room 404. yeah!! Xp
i say exohexoh to izzyisa, rabiemran n aklimah for the awesome weekend.
I board the non direct train cos I was supposed to fetch izzy from coventry. But she was takut2an kali and she board the wrong virgin train. She did arrive safely at London Euston and earlier than me. She sat infron of paper chase near WHSmitch. I saw her from far away and since i was very iski i cancelled my plan to play a prank on her. My intention was to annoy her of coZ! Went straight to her n HUGGED her. Dayum, jeles rabi emran. From there, bermulalah London experience of Izzy Isa with me ;)
We went underground (eseh, kinky bunyinya) kan naik the tube to go to paddington and meet aklimah. I talked to much with izzyisa and didnt realised that with 100% confidence kami naik the wrong tube. We were supposed to board the Hammersith and city line tapi ternaik metropolitan. Haha no wonder i feel weird cos warnanya purple instead of yellow or pink. At least sampai jua d paddington. Masa d Brunei Hall main entrance, i saw the warden and warn si klimah n izzyisa. Panicked! Aku control and walk in dengan cool2nya then beranti dpn reception and greet the warden "Selamat Hari Raya Cikgu *senyum*" and ia balas "bah selamat hari raya" WOHOO!! haha inda PMS pastu si aklimah setaie jua ikut2an haha Bad news, nada bilik *&$^%#**(%%^# so surau lah bilik kami, bini2 ambil the large one sal drg basar2 sebagang *exhibit A : Rabiemran* haha and guys bilik kami like 1/4 of their room and kami semua muat!
Mr Isa texted izzy to not to go out once ia d Bhall but then bahapa? Ia ke London with a purpose! To experience it sama kami. So aku suggest her to walk from Bhall to Tesco, Baskin Robbins , Chicken Cottage and Paddington Station. Atu baru trial tu for the next day kan jalan2 shopping d oxford street. Tahan jua ia bejalan (Y).. And we wished aklimah Happy birthday at exactly 12am of 269, nyanyi lagu n bagi ia "cake". The weirdest 18th bday for akilmah i suppose? That nite masa the guys kan tidur, bini2 bising n sibuk begambar2 *slumber party much?!*. Gila, stress semua lelaki! So kami guys main game. We farted and belawan! Haha I farted the best sal baunya sungguh aroma therapy HAHAHA and aku kana sandwhich ulih farid n cck. Subuhnya I heard si muizz berazan subuh n aku inda sadar. Rabi n izzy tot atu antu HAHAHA..
the morning of 269 as usual bini2nya bee ae, BA, tee ae aech TAH.. BA-TAH! pukul 12 ish barutah bejalan but before that asa sesi bitching with rabiemran on the phone. Haha manis teamwork of aku, izzyisa n aklimah. Yeah, ditch clc!
Summary for the whole day of 269 : brunch at wok in a box (Y), shopping n window shopping at hmv, H&M, schuh, topshop*izzyisa bali kasut*, topman. Minum d Starbucks. Sambung shooping/window shopping d Ferrari, Abercrombie and Fitch and MANGO *aklimah bali trench coat merah advise dari stylish sabriali haha*. D Abercrombie and Fitch dua BINI2 went wild and modelnya ampus menari HAHAHA Masa otw ke bas ada bini2 sama bajunya sama si rabiemran and rabiemran use aku tuk betapuk. Oh come on!! Badan diri atu sebagang! LOL
That nite semua urg belawa2 including aku. Paginya lawa pulang udah, tapi mlmnya lawa-er. Dinner at oscars. Best mexican steak (Y). After than went straight to Queensway jumpa the rest and then balik bhall. Ada lg cina bedrama sumtin sal deprived or whatever. Don't care~
Owh i slept in room 404. yeah!! Xp
i say exohexoh to izzyisa, rabiemran n aklimah for the awesome weekend.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Oh.. this kid is soooooooo cute..

One of my anak buah which aku inda tau namanya =.=
Yeah.. seriously.. Banyak babies udah mana ani and i cant recall which one is which and which one is who or apa their name is. Sigh kesian..

Ani abangnya.. and I think his name is Adrian (I dont noe how to spell their name)
Nama drg masa ane sorang2 udah mcm urg putih. Izack, Zackery, Alesya etc. Antam tah kamu. Nantiku menamakan anakku mcm anak korea/jipun kali aha.. *cant think of any*
After looking at some photos from FB pasal org Mounties outing d empire. Aku mcm jeles. Sigh inda apa. I hoe u guys had fun. Oh well exams inda g batah kan abis and bejuritan dah schedule ku for all my friends out there. Walletku pun kapus2 lamas nada duit. Have to berjimat cermat from now on.
Has a new obsession
and I love you xoxo
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Cause she's bittersweet~
Oh halu halu. I bet kamu rindu aku hehehe Xp Nadawah.. I'm enjoying Brunei masane.. I love the sun (more like the heat) and banci nyamuk. Aku banci berabis akan nyamuk especially when diurang mengigit!! Nasib baik saja nyamuk Brunei ani nada parasite such as plasmodium falciparum or plasmodium vivax Xp If ada abis ku kana malaria *tass wood*
Berikut adalah gambar2 yang menceritakan hidupku:
This pho'o kan banarnya cali. Bagiku calilah. Cali. Mr n Mrs Beckham shopping d HuaHo makai trolley baby. Awww kiut jua HAHAHA If kamu click on this pho'o kan kamu bulih liat wajah si Tiqah yang amat ergh. Nada word yang bisai kan d describe. Terjengkel ku saja HAHA
Tiqah : "Bang, angkatkan ku seguni baras ah. PLIS!"
Aku : "Hmmph, angkat sendiri"
Tiqah : "aiiiii"
ooVoo-ing can be fun if ada cerita kan dcerita kan or membuli *incase for amal n pipah*
amal = tabam
pipah = amah
Lawa rambut kamu atu guys! Thumbs up!!
Msa lastweek ari Jumaat, aku hangout drumah si wedah. Seronok banget!! Banyak jua cerita2 yang ku tekajut mendgr and ada gossip2 terbaru. Huhu Thank u weh. Love you.. YUCK!! Meher Xp
Apa ne nah?? Ani namanya Blender =.=
Inda, kami inda mengisar bawang.. Kami buat milkshake yang manis berabis!! Lampuh adalah effectnya if dminum
Secret recipe: Maltesers, Oreo and Crunchie!! Mana inda manis!!
Pekat lagi tu. membunuh!!
Sekali minum masuk ICU tarus
Ani kerajah amah tah ne Xp
Eh kamu tau apa?? Amah si wedah masih ingat aku ani wah!! Gila!! Lama udah kali ah amahnya ani. Start pom berapa eh?? or Darjah?? Inda ku ingat nyamooo..
Satay <3
Rumah si wedah ada Drum!! Hahaha berabis tah jamming!! Guitar ada... bass guitar ada... keyboard pun ada.. Weh, i tink that jamming room actually dapat d jadikan studio wah
Lagu favourite si Faiq Irfan
Apa ne nah? Mana kamu taukan.. Ani namanya DDR mat
Monday, July 13, 2009
More gossips in hand
Sleepover at Rabi's was not in one of my holiday list but it was worth it. Spending 2 nights with them was unforgettable (hmm hmm). People say that I can be very convincing at times and i can be a good sales man. Apa eh..
Hotel Seri Rabi is the best place if u want to gain weight (doesnt work for me though), sleep late, lots of laugh, goin crazy....... dayum, what a very unhealthy life. My left ear got burned ='( sob sob. Its okay.. Just a lil bit itchy. Ada tia burn mark nah.
My rotation attachement kana freeze. The good thing is aku bulih relax tapi the bad thing is bahapa tah ku ne??
I wonder where is the DVD player in my living room?? Anyone??
Sigh, help me... Give me a life...
Saturday, July 4, 2009
My life is so fabulous
So perasan shit lah...
Hai guys~ I spent the whole day in soton with farid, amal, muizzah and nadhirah. Met akmal, zati andd aisyah dsana. To me, soton is not a bad place. Campus area, whick i loike. Ada itik g tu. Kiut. Most of the building in soton masa ne under renovation and some buildings kan kana knock down. It was funny masa the tour guide bagi kami tour. Ia bawa kami arah math building, which buruk berabis and then ia cakap kan kana knock down soon. Pastu arh another building pun kan kana knock down. Mcm semua bah kan kana knock down. Owh, biochemistry department arh boldrewood campus is soooooo buruk. But the inside decent pulang mcm hospital. Not bad. Kalinya msa kami liat the DVD ia ckp the building kan kana knock down and kana move arh new side arh Highfied campus. =.=" Rubuh kan tia semua kali eh.
Owh btw, soton banyak lelaki manis tapi homo sal drg like stare2 arh farid. Haha Bini2 aku jumpa 3 saja yang manis. Atu pun payah2 han. Seriously, drg bini asal bejalan "aii lelaki manis". I have to agree pulang sal they have the model look. Tinggi g. Seesh, annoying.
Soton has a union called susu HAHAHA yes, susu. Cali, kami urg brunei ketawa tebahak2 during the tour and urg putih mcm liat2 kami. Hehe sorry guys, cali wah. Ia cakap welcome to susu. HAHAHA siapa jua inda ketawa. Rude pulang, i noe. susu - Southampton University Student Union.
Overall aku impressed with southampton tapi aku masih suka Bristol university. The city of southampton jauh from the university unlike Bristol the uni itself d citynya sendiri. Awesome. Basar g tu. Soton has 3 Malls!! Tamak much. Bristol ada Cabot circus, more siuk shopping dsana. I donno, aku apply both ulang jua. So dlm listku msa ne Cambridge, Bristol, Southampton, Leicester and *fill in the blank* I need to cari satu lagi.
I did a lil bit of shopping d Southampton from Thorntos, Topman, Claire's, Hollister and Boots.
Im gong back soon. Cant wait. AKU BALIK ESUK!! Codayum!! I cant wait. Esuk farid and cody balik ='( sob sob. Seorang diri tah ku ne tidur on our bed. Atukan bisai tani sharing. I noe scary if aku buka mata. Sal everytime aku buka mata muka si cody dapan2. Si farid pun jua. So bri jap if cody sleep in between. I'm gonna miss out farting moment. HAHA xpose~
Plan with Izzah AL - Birthday party (bouncer!!)
Plan with cody - gym, tennis, fishing, going out
Plan with BBA - going out???
Plan with amal and fwen - BBQ
Plan with other frens - ..........
Plan with shidah and fwen - Out and makan
Plan wih other friends - ...........
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