Sunday, January 6, 2013

Crap talk

I dont know what the hell am i typing.. so everything after this will be rubbish.. all rubbish...

Wow, a first post since ever.. but the most important thing is i still remember the password to this blog... well i dont know why i still hasnt(havent?) change it so yeah.. No ones gona read this so why not post something hew hew hew...

Im just slightly confused on how in fucked up situation i am.. i dont know.. i really dont know... man this music is shit.. stupid ipod.. should i privatise this blog? should i? huh? huh? it has lots of awkward contents in it.. the past was great but it didnt last long.. oh life, y u so cruel.. i mean the present is still great but its not the same.. i dont know i dont know..

Maybe i should start writing a song.. but no one would listen to how crappy my voice is.. HAHAHA you suck! just go die... you are not needed by anyone.. fullstop.. man, typing crap is fun.. i miss typing fluently.. Dissertation, y u no flow like this? should i change the url of this blog? no ones gona check it anyways...

chow chiaw chiew chingchonglinglongthingthong...


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