One of my anak buah which aku inda tau namanya =.=
Yeah.. seriously.. Banyak babies udah mana ani and i cant recall which one is which and which one is who or apa their name is. Sigh kesian..

Ani abangnya.. and I think his name is Adrian (I dont noe how to spell their name)
Nama drg masa ane sorang2 udah mcm urg putih. Izack, Zackery, Alesya etc. Antam tah kamu. Nantiku menamakan anakku mcm anak korea/jipun kali aha.. *cant think of any*
After looking at some photos from FB pasal org Mounties outing d empire. Aku mcm jeles. Sigh inda apa. I hoe u guys had fun. Oh well exams inda g batah kan abis and bejuritan dah schedule ku for all my friends out there. Walletku pun kapus2 lamas nada duit. Have to berjimat cermat from now on.
Has a new obsession
and I love you xoxo
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