Monday, May 11, 2009

Pretty useless exeat weekend

I don't want to talk about saturday. Saturday is soooooooooooooooooooo *poop*

Owh yesterday I had a very2 long convo with miss Izzy the future driver of Aklimah mustapa (known as B) and Me (known as C), Ms B and Sarah Hanaa the future Amah of Izzy Isa yang terdapat bag channel. Hahaha

Summary of that super duper ultra mega long conversation:

  • Mengumpat (Y)
  • Bedrama
  • Kongsi2 drama (hehehe)
  • Shopping stuff
  • Planning for summer activities: like cruising makai kerita kijang si Izzy Isa, main squash/badminton, makan ice cream d Swensens, makan arh new restaurant, straighten rambut.....................and the list goes on.. Lampuh ne banyak makan~ Zy start now!!! Jgntah exam dulu.
  • University choices...
  • Weight problem HAHAH
OHEMGEEE (sarah) banyak jua drama tani dmalam atu ah.. hehe we should kongsi2 more often babes.. I was supposed to be revising pasal Biology haha. Well terevise dua topicku pulang. Topic 2.1 - All organisms are realated through their evolutionary history sama topic 2.5 - Humans Defence Mechanisms... Ma gd!! takut ku mock exam ani eh

Bah guys, nanti2 g ah...

And2 aku sama rabi officially addicted to FB. At least ada advantagenya. Bulih belajar physics..

Define potential difference : The potential difference is FUCK YOU PHYSICS (Y)

Summer is waiting~

Lhorus Z
Nadhirah Badak.. Hapi Burday gurllllll... Tua ne~

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