You spin my head...... hahaha that song reminds me of that stuuuuuuuupid website which yee fah loves to watch. Hahaha I remembered when we pranked him by changing his home page to one of the prank website.. haha The story goes like this:
Sherwin sent him an email and yee fah goes like this "yes! Good news ne" Kalinya instead of clicking tarus arh email, ia open Mozilla. Since kami tukar home pagenya and tadaaa~ HAHA and inda g mau d tutup tu pasal the window jumping around. D aga ia lari.. Haha
It was fun (Y).. All thanks to Cody and Me =)
Owh, here are some pictures.. Saja.. Talur aku ani ah. Esuk test. Arghh ngalihku bah kan belajar ganya ani. Aku mau Sambung liat Bleach lagi!!

I kinda like this pic (Y)
Litta, digging in the sand for her pebble
Annoying ne kuyuk ah. Slalu lari2!
Membagi ku kurus ne pasal aku ngalih blari2
One of the game yang aku ikut main. Siuk jualah if pandai ngumban.
I don't remember the name tho. Too bad~
Sampat jua buat 'proper' sand castle before balik..
heheh first time bah
Here are some photos yang berjaruk dlm phone ku:

See how dead we can be.. We miss Brunei...
Look at how dead yeefah is

Guess who's this nerdified girl~

Look at how inda berseleranya pipah pasal rindu brunei
Owh, ani gambar pasal hollywood tower of terror.. Gambar ani aku bali. Mahal kali ah.. berapa euro kah. Inda ku ingat.. Yang penting gambar ani 100% candid pasal kami inda tau bila kana gambar n dmana cameranya..

Bri ijap kali ah!! The elevator atu kana drop wah!! balik2 g tu and unexpected!!
Plus the strap belt atu arh paha ganya!! mcm SERIOUSLY?! nada arah badan
Liat tah mua2 manis kami ani HAHA

Judging from this photo kan after meliat si nadia, kamu rasa the ride ani membari ijap kah inda???
Urg lain takut/berteriakan, ia buat UIC pose!!

Nah, gambar kami semua heheh

Owh, the elevator conductor atu usulnya mcm the dude arh gambar ani. Ia awesome!!! Ia buat mcm bri jap banar2 HAHA..
Nah ketara tia aku belajar bio pasal nampak Erythrocytes Xp
Nadia is weird
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