Sunday, August 17, 2008



Would'nt that be scary? Cuba imagin.. No more ayam's exist on earth.. Im talking about ayam the animals ah, not ayam ayam. So kmanatah ilangnya the awesome restaurant yang serve ayam-ayaman? Where will KFC's go? Will Ayamku Restaurant will change their name?

Why am i talking about ayam is because we consume it everyday (nda plg). Liat sajatia arh amsarra ah. Every lunch mesti ada ayam tu. Mcm2 jenis masakan. Apatah lagi restoran lain. Kan. Billions of ayam kana sembalih each day throughout the world.

How about the eggs. Eggs pun kana jual bah. Everyday lagi tu. Selalu dtg bah supplier atu. Iatahkan  cmana tani bulih sustain ayam from facing extinction?? Ayamnya kana jual, sapatah lg betalur? Talurnya kana jual.. Walaupun ayam betalur everyday, tp bukan sekajap kan hatch the egg.

See dats the problem yg hard to solve. Chicken population remains the same or maybe makin increase.

So debate motion tani pada hari ini ialah, WILL AYAM FACE EXTINCTION? cuba jawab

Lhorus 710

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