Friday, May 9, 2008

What happened today

Hmmm manis manis manis is the word and a little touch of FAT. Today the MP's are doing a community service at Pusat Ehsan Al-Ameerah Al-Hajjah Maryam. It was a very enjoyable moment + sweet jua sal we experienced a lot of things mcm its difficult to take care of them, urg mcm nda peduli dorang, drg ani bnrnya sama mcm tani but need special care... So people lend ur hands and do your part n realisasikan tema kami "Maseh Ada Yang Sayang"

Since im not a writer, aku just list out the things yg berlaku today(in order):
  • Aku dapat gelaran baru hmmmmmmmmmm MANITH!
  • Since bas akhir, a couple kna kaunsil oleh none other than sarah's mother, ck Harisah
  • Msa atu jua pikachu si izzah n pooh jg mangsa oleh the friendly giant najmi, ehsan, haziq n izzat. 
  • Msa arh bas, ada dis awesome person kan beceramah pasal ari jumat n buat report. Mcm besamipakyo!! Nda jua paloi kmi ani ah kan beatu-atu dibas. Bek juatu kami pooling to reduce unwanted CO2 emission *tdo tah kli eh, sal skulah Osman bah ne*
  • Si izzat dapat kawan baru. Vuian 4 Life.
  • Since si ZUL ani FAT, ia mandi sorang diri gagagagaga
  • Aku membasahkan si rambut si izzat n hafiz(kali) msa mandi.. sori heheh
  • A new nasyid group is formed! after mandi.. Iman adalah~ mutiara..
  • Blood are lost from ehsan's circolatory system because of the HOT bus.
  • A frog died in an unfortunate accident. Ksian, melatup g tu, picak! Kejam manusia ani eh.
  • Rabi jadi singa! Ehsan jadi ambuk *no comment*, sarah jd kura2 n Najmi jd pokok.
  • Everyone danced msa the chicken dance song!! LOWA!

Nah the members of the nasyid group.From the tallest to the umm nevermind.. From left to right:
Najmi(napa basah atu?), Zul FAT(putih jua ko), Hakim, Ehsan, Leha, Riza, Izzat, Hafiz, Lhorus

tok imam n junies mana??? gagaga

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