Tadi urg tua from Brunei aka the seniors ati 'crash' our chemistry lesson. Booo haha
Aku curi this photo from shenna's blog. As u can see, Shenna is the oldest in our chemistry class XP
Too bad some people werent there (nad, lyn and cian)
I think its the hair
Owh guys, meet rabi...
Rabi the BRAbi

Bulih buat iklan colgate kah???
Owh tadi mama d rumahku marah arah ku. No not marah as in marah mengamuk. Ia marah sal aku inda apply jadi prefect =.=" Mcm, umm okay. Drg teachers tadi ada meeting so maybe ada pasal prefect kali. Takut ku pulang after that. Imagin, i donno if banar terjadilah, Namaku kana bawa arh teachers meeting. Wooo brijap lerr
Tadi physics, sir cakap u weigh less arh equator than here. SO MAKNANYA WEIGHTKU bukan 60 kg kali! Hahah lagi randah kali!!! DBrunei tah ku btimbang
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