Monday, March 16, 2009

New week, New day, New me hehehe

I guess yesterday was just not for me. First of all the BABAL food server gave me pork sausage. Abis d balang2kannya sausage ah. Kalau inda ikhlas kan bekeraja jangan dang! Sumbat kau karang makai segala2 susis ah. Epp stop.. Jgn marah, paning karang. Heheh Den mlmnya ia use the same thong tuk babi sama ayam. Pak u both!! _|_ _|_ So I only survived on cookies, yoghurts, mushroom =9, water, mee and etc. haha tapi sikit plg gnya pasal aku malas menyuci

Yesterday was a productive one. I managed to do half of my biology summary note. So half more to go!! and esuk test!! Hope Aku get back on track of getting 100% lagi. Amin..

Group convo with fiqa, win, yeefah, wedah, riza, bokh, izzat and abul was hilarious. Pacah parut!! It was entertaining and i do need one. Hahaha wedah and her punggung ambuk/junyak kambing meat, win with her riza-ness, fiqah with her landirness, yee fah as usual with his tampon-ness, riza with his wina-ness HAHA, bokh with his Islam-ness and laundry-ness, izzat with his mengaji-ness and abul with ............ *antah*

Then patangnya the rest of the oswestrian dengan panat2nya jadikan aku si Zordan, *luruskah??* yang arh mighty morfin power rangers. Hahaha yang kepala basar arh screen ah. N dorang jadi the rangers. etc etc. Kuang haja bana. Suka berfantasi kamu ani.

I have my As physics- mechanics later. (iakah??) Mudahan aku score tinggi. Getting an A is a must for the Bruneians sal the teachers mcm expect kami dapat A wah.. eee Teacher pressure tah banar. wooo

Test ku inda mau beranti~ lalalalalalalalalalalala

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