Monday, January 19, 2009

Duke of Edinburgh

It's a thing that is good if u participate in. hahah I don't really know how to describe it kim. Kami Oswestrians dengan beraninya mengikuti program ini. Kami dengan talurnya tarus2 join the Gold Award. Dorang skulah lain ada g join the bronze and the silver award. Pasal kami awesome Haha

For the gold award we have to do this five : expedition, service, physical recreation, skills and residential project.

For expedition kami pilih walking. It will take place somewhere, far from civilisation. Kami kana dump arah this area mcm kirakan bukit+hutan area hahah and kana suruh navigate makai map and go to the point yang kana suruh. its like survival for 4 days, three nights. Sounds easy but not. Hahaha

Residential project takes place for 5 days and 4 night. Its like kau tinggal far away from ur home. As in tinggal arh rumah urg lain haha. Kami ani dui udah buat. kami tingal dlm boarding house! Haha

The rest skill, physical recreation and service ani, kau mesti buat for 12 months! Aku ambil guitar as a skill cos its like new to me (mesti new). Physical recreation, aku ambil badminton saja (cara sanang) hahah and for service balum tahu. Mseh bpikir.

So if kami abis all the task, kami dapat the Gold DofE Award. Good for your personal statement. If urang gilaa bulih ada chance masuk Oxford jua.

Does that ansewr your question kim??
And yes that is her

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