There are lots of stuff going on for the past few days. First of all I had my physics practical exam on monday. Phew.. It was easy to follow but it doesn't make any sense. Seriosly. Investigating the diameter of water drop from several height. So? Apa banarnya ia mau tau kan?? Terminal velocity? Force of impact? Gravity bukan jua kali.
Then the next day, I had chemistry evaluative practical. The last one!! Alhamdulilah. No more chem practical. My practicalku banarnya confirm A pulang udah. Sal teacher udah gto markahku.. hehe.. 36 X 1.5 = 54/60 X 100 = 90%, A, heheh evaluative atu mencuba saja tu manatau jadi 37 tia kali or 38.. balum plgku tau current point.
Bugsy goes on for 2 days (Thursday and Friday night).. To be honest, it was quite good actually. Manada proper full rehearsal. And it turned out to be great. Great voices, great actors, great musicians, overall baguslah for bukan urg professional. Hahaha Bagiku the theater lagi siuk dari the real movie. Go BUGSY MALONE!
Pics yg ku curi dari website:

Victoria as Blousy.. She have a great voice. Ia nyanyi high pitch, but i tink its too high for her. Sal suaranya nda berapa tekeluar.

James as FAT sam

Blousy singing..

Boxing part. Hahah ani cali. Aku suka. Owh, that kid on the left atu pandai menyanyi. Tergugatku. Kemarin malam kan becali lagi ia sama aku. Sal aku ngalih pusing2 around the stage. Biasa backstage-ers

Kanak2 sini macam kiut wah. Tapikan kanak2 drg ani usul drg bukan macam fom 1 apa bah. Mcm urg pom 3 apa.. Kanak2 yg tangah2 atu kiut. Hahaha Suaranya pun basar. Me loike her.. bwoh Xp

The dancers and the gangster... Suppose to be ada misai.

Oliver as Bugsy. Masa prize presentation ia confuse between me and melvin. Hahah calilah masa atas stage. Imagin ia kan bagi mudian inda, bagi, inda, bagi, inda den ia bagi the right one. Sal the rest of the crew teriak2 and tunjuk yg aku sabri. Payah banarkah nama urg melayu ani??

Katherine Stockdale as Thalulah. OMG she's hot banar2.. I was staring at her masa ia on stage or menyanyi. Hahah sorry, cant help it
I got two chocs for helping the Bugsy Malone production. Thanks you Mrs Price, Mrs Morris and Ms Shaw. It was a great production. Good work..
Yesterday the year 12 and 13 went for an educational trip to chester zoo. It was very educational indeed and fun!! I squashed my one pence coin into sumtin and it cost me one pound. Well at least ada sumtin jua from the zoo. Masa kami masuk the zoo kan, kami liat gajah awal2. TO GAJAH! WHAT A VERY WARM WELCOME BY HAVING SEX! THANK YOU! hahaha
We saw diff types of monkeys, snakes, penguins, fish, lions etc2. Telampau banyak wah binatangnya. Flamingo, babirusa, giraffe, butterflies, etc etc. Tapi nda sampat liat semua. Too bad. The lecture session was very informative. Pasal classification and biodiversity. We were given a skull and guess what animal was it. Well kami almost correct sal kami gess tiger. Jawapannya lion sal lion is bigger than tiger.
Pandai jua menclassify from kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. If mau tau, kucing2 family ada 28 sets of teeth! Wow.. awesome. haha And and ia keluarkan the madagascan hissing cockroach. Aku inda berani touch. Aku fobia arh lipas. Pebaik ia mati, aku gali masih. Drg semua pigang. Eee basar!!!!! Napa kamu inda gali atu kan?? Lipas kali ah!!
Kami pigang kulit ular, tanduk rhino, tanduk entelope, gading gajah etc.. Aku mau liat semua binatang.. =(
Now, focus to DofE lagi. Arghh.. ngalih ne.. the training sampai on the 27th.. Urg cuti skulah on the 25th. So bruhall people, jaga2 kamu on the 28th.. Abis turun tentra bergajah ne hahaha
Have to pack by today... Easter~
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