The UCAS convention was very useful. Siuk mengurik2 information dari universities. Thanks to the UCAS convention, aku dapat tau information about Lancaster University. Aku aga booth diurang and panjang lebar perbualan kami. Lancar bah english tarus. Fasih! Melacis2 HAHAHA Now Lancaster masuk in my list. Lancaster.. I love you.. Ohh btw, Lancaster pun makai collegiate system mcm oxford, cambridge and durham.
Universities yang aku cinta berabis at the moment :
- Lancaster
- Bristol
- Bath
- Southampton
The rest so-so lah..
KCL mcm complicated wah and aku nda suka the environment.. Soo city-ish. Mun locationnya d tangah2 bandar. Kawasan Big Ben and London eye. Nooo the rest mahal g kan. Aku mau belajar away from London. N thank god uni yang ku suka ani semua away from london. Syukur
Tp i need to survey more sampai ku puas hati jadi lima uni's for UCAS msa applying nanti. Imperial atu d London wah. iatah aku nda sure about it.
Aku buat survey udah and aku kan book the open days of the following universities. Kan meliat2 wah! (nda jua payah betchy)
- Lancaster - 19th September 2009
- Bristol - 25th June 2009
- Southampton - 3rd July 2009
- Bath - 17th September 2009
- Warwick - 26th September 2009 (I'm not sure about this)
- Newcastle - 24th June 2009 (Aku mcm nda suka the modules. Maybe nda jadi)
- Imperial - 25th June 2009 (Arghhh kacau eh. Nda ku jadi)
Talur wah Imperial ah. Clash sama Bristol.. Bulih pulang ku visit dua2 tapi date for Bristol tukar ke 18th September 2009. Gila jua tu!! Three days in a row ada open day!! Wadapak.. abis $$$ and lamak. Kurus tia krg kengalihan. Oxford or Cambridge antah. Inda tia ku sure.. hmm
Warwick awesome sal ada masjid! as in the university punya. Urg Islam banyak sana kali.
Look at all of the prospectuses yang ku ambil. hahaha Aku baru scan ganya. Yang berabis ku baca from Lancaster..
Look at how messy am I. Bejuritan wah mija ku ah. Sibuk wah dgn prep and tests.
Mudian ari ani nda banyak prep. And look at how OCD am I. Buku pun ku susun according to height. Jobless much.. Fileku pun lawa besusun cematu.
The prospectuses and UCAS and COA tingy. OCD hahaha
Ani saja. Ticket train ke paris ada 4 buting. Aku takut ilang or kana curi =S
Aku lock berabis kali ah dlm laci. Makai dua kunci mangga g tu.
Certificate first aid ku. Hahahah tapi namaku salah!! grrr.. Valid tuk 3 tahun ne. Sooo CPR anyone???
Tadikan masa arh G-MEX (tempat UCAS convention atu) ada dis dude (japanese kali) tapped on my shoulder. Kalinya aku tekajut. Mudian ia tanya aku.
Dude (possibly japanese sal mcm jipun) - "Are you Japanese?"
Aku (dengan mua bangang) - "No"
Dude - Owhh (Mua hampa)
WTH.. now I'M A JAPANESE?!!! Udahtah urg german pikir aku KOREAN. Sarah Quu (an undergraduate yang jadi Permanent Resident in Brunei hall) pikir aku CHINESE. And Dis Dude (possibly japanese) pikir aku JAPANESE!!!
WHY?! gila, semua from the East wah. 3 in one kah aku ani????? korean, chinese and japanese. =.=" Urg jipun sendiri pikir aku urg jipun wah... I don even look like one. Infact None of the Asian (as in cina, jipun, korea)
Si zul slalu kana pikir cina Xp
Aku msa d UK brutah ku kana pikir these 3.. hmmm Teruk banar
Mental hahah...... HARAJUKU~~~~~
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